The Plan of the English Lesson

Ақмола облысы,

 Көкшетау қаласы, №21 ОМ,

Ағылшын тілі мұғалімі,

Жетепова Жанна Рамазановна.


The Plan of the English Lesson

Grade: 6

The theme of the lesson:  Travelling for health

The aims of the lesson:

Learning about weather.Presentaion of weather forecast.

Focus on grammar ”word building”.

Most of them  will  read the text and learn new words

Some of them will read the text , translate new words  practice them



Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English

The type of the lesson: presentation, integrative.

Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction.

The equipment of the lesson: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, posters.

The procedure of the lesson:

I Organization moment:


-Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?

What is the weathe like today?

Is it sunny or cloudy day?

Is it warm or cold day?

What was the weather like yesterday?


Divide class into two groups.

To appoint the leader of the group


 II  Phonetic drill:  Snow is so snowy, when it’s snowing.

ІІI. Brainstorming:  Adjectives or nouns. Odd out one word

Sunny cloudy fog windy

Cloud friend health dangerous

Teach drive translate invitation

Singer writer teacher punish

Main part

IY Vocabulary Method “Domino”

Get on                                 пароход

A ferry                              отыру

Reach                           саяхат

Journey                       жаркырау

Shine                           бос

Empty                          жету

Y  Reading. All the groups will read the text. Translate  into Kazakh.

Robert Midhurst is 65 but he looks much younger. Last year he was in Europe and North Africa on a bicycle for more than six month. Last September the weather in Britain was very bad, so Robert got on his bicycle in London and went to Dover.At Dover he took a ferry. After three days he reached Paris the weather wasn’t better than in London. It rained all the time. Again he got on  his bike and started the journey to Spain. Robert likes France a lot. He travelled slowly. The weather got better. The days were very sunny and warm. It was late October when he arrived in Spain. For five days he travelled carefully because there were strong winds and it often rained. At the beginning of November the weather got better. The sun shone brightly but the beaches were often empty. He left Spain at the beginning of December . In December  he was in India. It was very hot there. The journey was very interesting. He came back  to England by plane.

YI  To make a poster what they have understood

Every group must protect their work.

Places Weather
Britain                           1st group  
France                           2d group  
Spain                             3d  group  
India                              4th group  

YII  “Funny words”

Желді       windy                                                    аударма   translation

Бұлтты      cloudy                                                   ұйым   organization

Әке          father                                                       ұшақ  plane

Ана         mother                                                      поезд  train

Қызанақ   tomato

Картоп    potato


YIII Speaking. Answer the questions

What do you do when the weather is very hot?

1st group                                             Very wet?

2d group                                              Very snowy?

3d  group                                          Very rainy?

4th group                                                  very cold?

Ex: When the weather is hot I go the swimming pool

IХ.   Conclusion

To make poem  method “Thinkwain”

1 the theme

2 two adjectives

3 three verbs

4  explanation

5 one word

Х .Home work .ex 6-7

ХІ. Evaluation

Аты жөні Үй жұмысы Мәтін аудару Постер қорғау Сұраққа жауап беру  Синквейн

5 жол өлең




Reflexion  “БББ”.

I knew I know I want to know


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